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Operation Parent is a national nonprofit that exists to empower parents (and caregivers) to fully engage in ongoing conversations with their K-12 children about technology, substance use, and mental health issues for purposes of prevention.  Our evidence-based parent handbooks and free monthly webinars raise both the awareness and confidence needed to jumpstart these conversations.
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18 years
of helping families
27,000+ Webinar Registrants
325,000+ Handbooks Sold
18 Years of Helping Families
27,000+ Webinar Registrants
325,000+ Handbooks Sold
18 Years of Helping Families
27,000+ Webinar Registrants
325,000+ Handbooks Sold
18 Years of Helping Families
27,000+ Webinar Registrants
325,000+ Handbooks Sold
18 Years of Helping Families
27,000+ Webinar Registrants
325,000+ Handbooks Sold
18 Years of Helping Families
27,000+ Webinar Registrants
325,000+ Handbooks Sold
18 Years of Helping Families
being a kid in
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Finally, an updated, easy-to-read, visually appealing, practical guide for parents raising kids K-12. Raise your awareness on today’s toughest parenting issues: anxiety, vaping, cyberbullying, depression, suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, screentime, social media, apps, sexting, porn, human trafficking, alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, prescription drugs, opioids, dating, parties, sleepovers, gaming and more.
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Dr. Aaron Weiner
February 18, 2025
Vaping in 2025: What’s Changed & What Parents Need to Know
The face of vaping has changed significantly since they first emerged about a decade ago: vapes are bigger, stronger, and distributors have developed new methods to appeal to youth and evade FDA regulations. Join Dr. Weiner for an in-depth look at the evolving vaping landscape, the hidden risks to physical and mental health, and practical tips to help you have informed, impactful conversations with your child.
Laura Stack
March 4, 2025
Unpacking the Risks of Modern Marijuana
Today’s marijuana is stronger and more dangerous than ever, with products like dabbing concentrates and delta-8 THC posing serious risks to adolescent brain development and mental health. Laura Stack, founder of Johnny’s Ambassadors, shares her powerful personal story of loss and sheds light on how high-THC marijuana can lead to addiction, anxiety, psychosis, and even suicide. Backed by science and her own experience, Laura’s heartfelt presentation will empower parents to understand the risks and start essential conversations with their kids.
Dr. Jill Grimes
April 8, 2025
Launch, Don’t Crash: Tips to Help them Fly the Nest
Preparing your child for life after high school starts long before graduation. Building independence and confidence in managing their own health and wellness is a process that should begin early—even before high school. Join Dr. Jill Grimes, The College Doc, for a must-watch webinar on how to help your child take charge of their healthcare so they feel ready for life’s next steps. From managing anxiety and homesickness to improving sleep, brain health, and understanding the risks of drugs and alcohol, this session will provide parents with practical strategies to start now—so when the time comes to fly the nest, they’re prepared to soar.


TNT (Trends ‘n’ Training) is an engaging and memorable drug prevention event that can be hosted by schools, drug-free coalitions, health departments, or other community organizations!  Building an event from the ground up is a daunting task, and Operation Parent wants to help!  We created a TNT Toolkit that gives you step-by-step instructions, dynamic branding, and powerful promotional tools to host a successful and exciting prevention event!
You have a treasure trove of goodness in your handbook—you literally cover it all. I love it.
General Barrye price


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We love working with our DFC’s across the country!  You're doing amazing work and we are humbled that you are introducing our parent handbooks and webinars to your community.  Your mission to “reduce youth substance use” and our mission to “provide parents with real world information” to deliver the “one-two prevention punch” needed to knock out addiction for good. Educated parents will always be the best prevention tool kids ever have. Check the map to see DFC’s in your state who are partnering with us.  



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Nobody spends more time with our children outside of the home than you. You are on the front line and are often held responsible for the care of our children. Schools were designed to “educate” and parents were designed to “raise and train” children. However, more often than not, schools are being asked to assume what we believe only parents can do for their children.It’s time to re-balance the scales and shift the burden of care where it rightfully belongs… back to parents and caregivers. We recognize that many parents may not have the proper information, skills, or confidence to become the proactive participants required to raise healthy kids in today’s aggressive culture. That’s where we can help.



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New apps, new games, new drugs, new “online” challenges.  Ever feel like it’s impossible to keep up with today’s ever-changing culture? As parents ourselves, we’ve been there. Our parent handbooks are designed to bridge the gap between the world you grew up in and the world your kids are growing up in today. The content will help you “keep up” so you can “speak up” and have meaningful conversations with your kiddos. Our free monthly webinars are designed to let you dig deeper on a particular issue and connect with a community of parents. We can do this. We’re the number one influence in the lives of our children.



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Most Christian parents are shocked to learn that kids are beginning to experiment with drugs, alcohol, and sex as early as fourth and fifth grade. Very few are familiar with the apps and games their kids are accessing, and knowing how to parent through a cyberbullying or sexting issue is foreign territory. How does a parent detect early warning signs of a potential problem or apply their Christian faith to their parenting? And how can the church help these parents?

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I have been a follower of Operation Parent for a while now and I have told so many people about your organization including my Step Up drug prevention coalition here in Anderson Twp, Ohio. I share your website on my communications and have put it on my list for my Tech person to be shared on my website. I would love to partner with you in any capacity and appreciate your work.
Handbook Patron
This organization offers a great deal of resources and information for educating parents of many of the potential dangers and issues our kids face in their world today. They offer advice on how to have necessary dialogue with our kids on various topics as well as provide resources for parents to gain knowledge about potential dangers, warning signs to look for, and the proper steps to take and resources to utilize should parents face an issue with their child. I appreciate all they have to offer!!!
The speaker was absolutely outstanding, the information provided along with the handouts was very educational and will be helpful moving forward toward addressing the facts surrounding vaping! Thank you.
The Parent Handbook is a resource that helps me feel knowledgeable, equipped, and supported! I’ve told many of my friends who are also raising teenage children to check it out!